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Perfect Simulation for Feynman-Kac Models using Ensemble Rejection Sampling


Abstract: I will introduce Ensemble Rejection Sampling, a scheme for perfect simulation of a class of Feynmac-Kac models. In particular, this scheme allows us to sample exactly from the posterior distribution of the latent states of a class of non-linear non-Gaussian state-space models and from the distribution of a class of conditioned random walks. Ensemble Rejection Sampling relies on a high-dimensional proposal distribution built using ensembles of state samples and dynamic programming. Although this algorithm can be interpreted as a…

Sharp Thresholds for Random Subspaces, and Applications


Abstract: What combinatorial properties are likely to be satisfied by a random subspace over a finite field? For example, is it likely that not too many points lie in any Hamming ball? What about any cube?  We show that there is a sharp threshold on the dimension of the subspace at which the answers to these questions change from "extremely likely" to "extremely unlikely," and moreover we give a simple characterization of this threshold for different properties. Our motivation comes…

Valid hypothesis testing after hierarchical clustering


Abstract:  As datasets continue to grow in size, in many settings the focus of data collection has shifted away from testing pre-specified hypotheses, and towards hypothesis generation. Researchers are often interested in performing an exploratory data analysis in order to generate hypotheses, and then testing those hypotheses on the same data; I will refer to this as 'double dipping'. Unfortunately, double dipping can lead to highly-inflated Type 1 errors. In this talk, I will consider the special case of hierarchical…

MIT Statistics + Data Science Center
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307