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Optimality of Spectral Methods for Ranking, Community Detections and Beyond

Jianqing Fan (Princeton University)

Abstract: Spectral methods have been widely used for a large class of challenging problems, ranging from top-K ranking via pairwise comparisons, community detection, factor analysis, among others. Analyses of these spectral methods require super-norm perturbation analysis of top eigenvectors. This allows us to UNIFORMLY approximate elements in eigenvectors by linear functions of the observed random matrix that can be analyzed further. We first establish such an infinity-norm pertubation bound for top eigenvectors and apply the idea to several challenging problems…

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Testing degree corrections in Stochastic Block Models

Subhabrata Sen (Microsoft)

Abstract: The community detection problem has attracted significant attention in re- cent years, and it has been studied extensively under the framework of a Stochas- tic Block Model (SBM). However, it is well-known that SBMs t real data very poorly, and various extensions have been suggested to replicate characteristics of real data. The recovered community assignments are often sensitive to the model used, and this naturally begs the following question: Given a network with community structure, how to decide whether…

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SDSCon 2018: Statistics and Data Science Center Conference

Bartos Theater

Join us at SDSCon 2018 on April 20, 2018 to hear leaders in the field of statistics and data science. SDSCon 2018 is the second annual celebration of MIT’s statistics and data science community organized by MIT’s Statistics and Data Center (SDSC). The mission of SDSC is to advance research activities and academic programs in the “21st Century Statistics” whose foundations include Probability, Statistics, Computation and Data Analysis. The conference will feature presentations from established academic leaders, industry innovators, and…

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Inference, Computation, and Visualization for Convex Clustering and Biclustering

Genevera Allen (Rice)

Abstract: Hierarchical clustering enjoys wide popularity because of its fast computation, ease of interpretation, and appealing visualizations via the dendogram and cluster heatmap. Recently, several have proposed and studied convex clustering and biclustering which, similar in spirit to hierarchical clustering, achieve cluster merges via convex fusion penalties. While these techniques enjoy superior statistical performance, they suffer from slower computation and are not generally conducive to representation as a dendogram. In the first part of the talk, we present new convex…

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Size-Independent Sample Complexity of Neural Networks

Ohad Shamir (Weizman Institute)

Abstract: I'll describe new bounds on the sample complexity of deep neural networks, based on the norms of the parameter matrices at each layer. In particular, we show how certain norms lead to the first explicit bounds which are fully independent of the network size (both depth and width), and are therefore applicable to arbitrarily large neural networks. These results are derived using some novel techniques, which may be of independent interest. Joint work with Noah Golowich (Harvard) and Alexander…

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Dynamic Incentive-aware Learning: Robust Pricing in Contextual Auctions

Adel Javanmard (USC)

Abstract: Motivated by pricing in ad exchange markets, we consider the problem of robust learning of reserve prices against strategic buyers in repeated contextual second-price auctions. Buyers’ valuations for an item depend on the context that describes the item. However, the seller is not aware of the relationship between the context and buyers’ valuations, i.e., buyers’ preferences. The seller’s goal is to design a learning policy to set reserve prices via observing the past sales data, and her objective is…

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Fitting a putative manifold to noisy data

Hariharan Narayanan (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai)

Abstract: We give a solution to the following question from manifold learning. Suppose data belonging to a high dimensional Euclidean space is drawn independently, identically distributed from a measure supported on a low dimensional twice differentiable embedded compact manifold M, and is corrupted by a small amount of i.i.d gaussian noise. How can we produce a manifold M whose Hausdorff distance to M is small and whose reach (normal injectivity radius) is not much smaller than the reach of M? This…

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Resource-efficient ML in 2 KB RAM for the Internet of Things

Prateek Jain (Microsoft Research)

Abstract: We propose an alternative paradigm for the Internet of Things (IoT) where machine learning algorithms run locally on severely resource-constrained edge and endpoint devices without necessarily needing cloud connectivity. This enables many scenarios beyond the pale of the traditional paradigm including low-latency brain implants, precision agriculture on disconnected farms, privacy-preserving smart spectacles, etc. Towards this end, we develop novel tree and kNN based algorithm, called Bonsai and ProtoNN, for efficient prediction on IoT devices -- such as those based…

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Variational problems on random structures and their continuum limits

Dejan Slepčev (Carnegie Mellon University)

Abstract: We will discuss variational problems arising in machine learning and their limits as the number of data points goes to infinity. Consider point clouds obtained as random samples of an underlying "ground-truth" measure. Graph representing the point cloud is obtained by assigning weights to edges based on the distance between the points. Many machine learning tasks, such as clustering and semi-supervised learning, can be posed as minimizing  functionals on such graphs. We consider functionals involving graph cuts, graph laplacians…

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MIT Statistics + Data Science Center
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307