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Fast algorithms and (other) min-max optimal algorithms for mixed regression

Constantine Caramanis (University of Texas at Austin)

ixture models represent the superposition of statistical processes, and are natural in machine learning and statistics. In mixed regression, the relationship between input and output is given by one of possibly several different (noisy) linear functions. Thus the solution encodes a combinatorial selection problem, and hence computing it is difficult in the worst case. Even in the average case, little is known in the realm of efficient algorithms with strong statistical guarantees. We give general conditions for linear convergence of…

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Discovering hidden structures in complex networks

Roman Vershynin (University of Michigan)

Most big real-world networks (social, technological, biological) are sparse. Most of networks have noticeable structure, which can be formed by clusters (communities) and hubs. When and how can a hidden structure be recovered from a sparse network? Known approaches to this problem come from a variety of disciplines – probability, combinatorics, physics, statistics, optmization, information theory, etc. We will focus on the recently developed probabilistic approaches motivated by sparse recovery, where a network is regarded as a random measurement of…

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A Big Data System for Things That Move

The world consists of many interesting things that move: people go to work, home, school, and shop in public transit buses and trains, or in cars and taxis; goods move on these networks and by trucks or by air each day; and food items travel a large distance to meet their eater. Thus, massive movement processes are underway in the world every day and it is critical to ensure their safe, timely and efficient operation. Towards this end, low-cost sensing…

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Causal Inference with Random Forests

Stefan Wager (Stanford University)

Many scientific and engineering challenges---ranging from personalized medicine to customized marketing recommendations---require an understanding of treatment heterogeneity. We develop a non-parametric causal forest for estimating heterogeneous treatment effects that is closely inspired by Breiman's widely used random forest algorithm. Given a potential outcomes framework with unconfoundedness, we show that causal forests are pointwise consistent for the true treatment effect, and have an asymptotically Gaussian and centered sampling distribution. We also propose a practical estimator for the asymptotic variance of causal…

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Ranking and Embedding From Pairwise Comparisons

Robert Nowak (University of Wisconsin)

Ranking, clustering, or metrically-embedding a set of items (e.g., images, documents, products) based on human judgments can shed light on preferences and human reasoning. Two common approaches to collecting data from people are rating and comparison-based systems. Ratings can be difficult to calibrate across people. Also, in certain applications, it may be far easier to compare items than to rate them (e.g., rating funniness of jokes is more difficult than deciding which of two jokes is more funny). For these…

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MOCCA: a primal/dual algorithm for nonconvex composite functions with applications to CT imaging

Rina Foygel Barber (University of Chicago)

Many optimization problems arising in high-dimensional statistics decompose naturally into a sum of several terms, where the individual terms are relatively simple but the composite objective function can only be optimized with iterative algorithms. Specifically, we are interested in optimization problems of the form F(Kx) + G(x), where K is a fixed linear transformation, while F and G are functions that may be nonconvex and/or nondifferentiable. In particular, if either of the terms are nonconvex, existing alternating minimization techniques may…

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On a High-Dimensional Random Graph Process

Gábor Lugosi (Pompeu Fabra University)

We introduce a model for a high-dimensional random graph process and ask how "rich" the process has to be so that one finds atypical behavior. In particular, we study a natural process of Erdös-Rényi random graphs indexed by unit vectors in R^d . We investigate the deviations of the process with respect to three fundamental properties: clique number, chromatic number, and connectivity. The talk is based on joint work with Louigi Addario-Berry, Shankar Bhamidi, Sebastien Bubeck, Luc Devroye, and Roberto…

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Gossip: Identifying Central Individuals in a Social Network

How can we identify the most influential nodes in a network for initiating diffusion? Are people able to easily identify those people in their communities who are best at spreading information, and if so, how? Using theory and recent data, we examine these questions and see how the structure of social networks affects information transmission ranging from gossip to the diffusion of new products. In particular, a model of diffusion is used to define centrality and shown to nest other…

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Expansion of biological pathways by integrative Genomics

Jun Liu (Harvard University)

The number of publicly available gene expression datasets has been growing dramatically. Various methods had been proposed to predict gene co-expression by integrating the publicly available datasets. These methods assume that the genes in the query gene set are homogeneously correlated and consider no gene-specific correlation tendencies, no background intra-experimental correlations, and no quality variations of different experiments. We propose a two-step algorithm called CLIC (CLustering by Inferred Co-expression) based on a coherent Bayesian model to overcome these limitations. CLIC…

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Minimax Estimation of Nonlinear Functionals with Higher Order Influence Functions: Results and Applications

James Robins (Harvard University)

Professor Robins describes a novel approach to point and interval estimation of nonlinear functionals in parametric, semi-, and non-parametric models based on higher order influence functions. Higher order influence functions are higher order U-statistics. The approach applies equally to both n‾√ and non-n‾√ problems. It reproduces results previously obtained by the modern theory of non-parametric inference, produces many new n‾√ and non-n‾√ results, and opens up the ability to perform non-n‾√ inference in complex high dimensional models, such as models…

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