Supporting sustainability, digital health, and the future of work
MIT News Office | August 24, 2023

The MIT and Accenture Convergence Initiative for Industry and Technology selects three new research projects to support, including one from SDSC ...

Artificial intelligence for augmentation and productivity
MIT News Office | August 18, 2023

SDSC core faculty Devavrat Shah co-leads team that received one of seven MIT Schwarzman College of Computing seed grants for interdisciplinary pr...

Polina Golland

Machine Learning Can Make X-Rays More Valuable To Doctors
Forbes | August 17, 2023

SDSC affiliate Polina Golland shares her research in pioneering algorithms for medical image analysis, uncovering anatomical patterns in diseases...

individual pictures of the nine faculty members recently granted tenure

The tenured engineers of 2023
MIT News Office | August 17, 2023

Congratulations to SDSC core faculty Tamara Broderick, one of nine faculty members granted tenure in MIT’s School of Engineering.

Caroline Uhler

Two professors awarded 2023 Faculty Research Innovation Fellowships (FRIFs)
MIT EECS | August 10, 2023

SDSC core faculty Caroline Uhler received the EECS award, intended to provide faculty with the funding resources and freedom necessary to explore...

MIT Statistics + Data Science Center
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