David Gamarnik named IMS Fellow
Gamarnik received the award for contributions to discrete probability, including the theory of random graphs, algorithms and computations, as wel...
Researchers create a tool for accurately simulating complex systems
System developed by researchers including SDSC core faculty Devavrat Shah eliminates a source of bias in simulations, leading to improved algorit...
MIT research team including Devavrat Shah receives Best Paper Award at NSDI ’23
Shah and collaborators from LIDS and CSAIL received the award from the 20th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation for t...
Martin Wainwright named director of the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society
Widely recognized leader in statistics and machine learning to succeed Munther Dahleh.
Studying consciousness without affecting it
A new study from a team including SDSC core faculty Emery Brown tests an alternative to external stimulation for measuring when subjects lose and...