Tamara Broderick

Tamara Broderick gives Susie Bayarri lecture at 2021 World Meeting of the ISBA

July 13, 2021

Tamara Broderick, Associate Professor in EECS and member of IDSS, LIDS, SDSC and CSAIL, gave the prestigious Susie Bayarri Lecture on July 1st at the 2021 World Meeting of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA).

Prof. Broderick’s lecture was titled “Fast discovery of pairwise interactions in high dimensions using Bayes.” After the lecture, Sylvia Richardson from the University of Cambridge and David Dunson from Duke University gave short talks concerning Prof. Broderick’s presented work.

The Susie Bayarri Lecture is delivered every two years at the ISBA world meeting by an outstanding young researcher under 35 years of age.  The lecture is named to honor the memory of lifetime member, M.J. “Susie” Bayarri.

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