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Couplings of Particle Filters

Particle filters provide Monte Carlo approximations of intractable quantities, such as likelihood evaluations in state-space models. In many cases, the interest does not lie in the values of the estimates themselves, but in the comparison of these values for various parameters. For instance, we might want to compare the likelihood at two parameter values. Such a comparison is facilitated by introducing positive correlations between the estimators, which is a standard variance reduction technique. In the context of particle filters, this…

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Less is more: optimal learning by subsampling and regularization

In this talk, I will discuss the prediction properties of techniques commonly used to scale up kernel methods and Gaussian processes. In particular, I will focus on data dependent and independent sub-sampling methods, namely Nystrom and random features, and study their generalization properties within a statistical learning theory framework. On the one hand I will show that these methods can achieve optimal learning errors while being computational efficient. On the other hand, I will show that subsampling can be seen…

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Theory to gain insight and inform practice: re-run of IMS Rietz Lecture, 2016

Henry L. Rietz, the first president of IMS, published his book “Mathematical Statistics” in 1927. One review wrote in 1928: “Professor Rietz has developed this theory so skillfully that the ’workers in other fields’, provided only that they have a passing familiarity with the grammar of mathematics, can secure a satisfactory understanding of the points involved.” In this lecture, I would like to promote the good tradition of mathematical statistics as expressed in Rietzs book in order to gain insight…

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Invertibility and Condition Number of Sparse Random Matrices

Consider an n by n linear system Ax=b. If the right-hand side of the system is known up to a certain error, then in process of the solution, this error gets amplified by the condition number of the matrix A, i.e. by the ratio of its largest and smallest singular values. This observation led von Neumann and his collaborators to consider the condition number of a random matrix and conjecture that it should be of order n. This conjecture was…

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Eigenvectors of Orthogonally Decomposable Functions and Applications

Eigendecomposition of quadratic forms guaranteed by the spectral theorem is the foundation for many important algorithms in computer science, data analysis, and machine learning. In this talk I will discuss our recent work on generalizations from quadratic forms to a broad class of functions based on an analogue of the spectral decomposition in an orthogonal basis. We call such functions ``orthogonally decomposable". It turns out that many inferential problems of recent interest including orthogonal tensor decompositions, Independent Component Analysis (ICA),…

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The Moral Character of Cryptographic Work

Cryptography rearranges power: it configures who can dowhat, from what. This makes cryptography an inherently political tool, and it confers on the field an intrinsically moral dimension. The Snowden revelations motivate a reassessment of the political and moral positioning of cryptography. They lead one to ask if our inability to effectively address mass surveillance constitutes a failure of our field. I believe that it does. I call for a community-wide effort to develop more effective means to resist mass surveillance.…

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Matrix estimation by Universal Singular Value Thresholding

Sourav Chatterjee (Stanford)

Consider the problem of estimating the entries of a large matrix, when the observed entries are noisy versions of a small random fraction of the original entries. This problem has received widespread attention in recent times. I will describe a simple estimation procedure, called Universal Singular Value Thresholding (USVT), that works for any matrix that has "a little bit of structure". Surprisingly, this simple estimator achieves the minimax error rate up to a constant factor. The method is applied to…

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Influence maximization in stochastic and adversarial settings

Po-Ling Loh (University of Pennsylvania)

Abstract: We consider the problem of influence maximization in fixed networks, for both stochastic and adversarial contagion models. In the stochastic setting, nodes are infected in waves according to linear threshold or independent cascade models. We establish upper and lower bounds for the influence of a subset of nodes in the network, where the influence is defined as the expected number of infected nodes at the conclusion of the epidemic. We quantify the gap between our upper and lower bounds…

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