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Sampler for the Wasserstein barycenter

Thibaut Le Gouic, MIT

Abstract: Wasserstein barycenters have become a central object in applied optimal transport as a tool to summarize complex objects that can be represented as distributions. Such objects include posterior distributions in Bayesian statistics, functions in functional data analysis and images in graphics. In a nutshell a Wasserstein barycenter is a probability distribution that provides a compelling summary of a finite set of input distributions. While the question of computing Wasserstein barycenters has received significant attention, this talk focuses on a…

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Functions space view of linear multi-channel convolution networks with bounded weight norm

Suriya Gunasekar, Microsoft Research

Abstract: The magnitude of the weights of a neural network is a fundamental measure of complexity that plays a crucial role in the study of implicit and explicit regularization. For example, in recent work, gradient descent updates in overparameterized models asymptotically lead to solutions that implicitly minimize the ell_2 norm of the parameters of the model, resulting in an inductive bias that is highly architecture dependent. To investigate the properties of learned functions, it is natural to consider a function…

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AI for Healthcare Equity Conference


The potential of AI to bring equity in healthcare has spurred significant research efforts across academia, industry and government. Racial, gender and socio-economic disparities have traditionally afflicted healthcare systems in ways that are difficult to detect and quantify. New AI technologies, however, provide a platform for change.

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Sample Size Considerations in Precision Medicine

Eric Laber, Duke University

Abstract:  Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trials (SMARTs) are considered the gold standard for estimation and evaluation of treatment regimes. SMARTs are typically sized to ensure sufficient power for a simple comparison, e.g., the comparison of two fixed treatment sequences. Estimation of an optimal treatment regime is conducted as part of a secondary and hypothesis-generating analysis with formal evaluation of the estimated optimal regime deferred to a follow-up trial. However, running a follow-up trial to evaluate an estimated optimal treatment regime…

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Prioritizing genes from genome-wide association studies

Hilary Finucane, Broad Institute

Abstract: Prioritizing likely causal genes from genome-wide association studies (GWAS) is a fundamental problem. There are many methods for GWAS gene prioritization, including methods that map candidate SNPs to their target genes and methods that leverage patterns of enrichment from across the genome. In this talk, I will introduce a new method for leveraging genome-wide patterns of enrichment to prioritize genes at GWAS loci, incorporating information about genes from many sources. I will then discuss the problem of benchmarking gene prioritization methods,…

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Likelihood-Free Frequentist Inference

Ann Lee, Carnegie Mellon University

Abstract: Many areas of the physical, engineering and biological sciences make extensive use of computer simulators to model complex systems. Confidence sets and hypothesis testing are the hallmarks of statistical inference, but classical methods are poorly suited for scientific applications involving complex simulators without a tractable likelihood. Recently, many techniques have been introduced that learn a surrogate likelihood using forward-simulated data, but these methods do not guarantee frequentist confidence sets and tests with nominal coverage and Type I error control,…

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MIT Statistics + Data Science Center
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